• Drain-X is the next generation of rubber drain-thru mats, featuring a unique rectangular hole design for enhanced drainage.
• Non-direction diamond surface offers a double-tiered non-slip design with serrated diamond top surface. Includes connectors on four sides for large area coverage.
• Drain-X is a versatile, multi-purpose mat that is economically priced and sure to fit any budget.
• Offered in Grease-Resistant Black and Grease-Proof Terra Cotta that stands up to hot oil, machine cutting fluids and similar liquids found in industrial and commercial environments. Available in a 3x3 size.
Delivering Reliability & Dependability
A key ingredient of Drain-X is tree derived rubber, harvested from the Para Rubber tree. The advantages of natural rubber are high resilience, tear resistant properties and good flexing qualities at low temperatures.